Annual Report
GorenjeAnnual Report 2013
In this year's annual report of The Gorenje group the implementation of their strategic plans is depicted through the actual shots of manufacturing processes and high profile products.
"UPRAVLJAMO S SMERJO SPREMEMB" ("Controling the course of change") was an imperative in their corporate restructuring as well as it was the main theme of the report.
Annual Report 2012
The brief for the creative solution and design for Gorenje annual report 2012 was to present the strategic approach, which the company took in the past year and the ideas they have in the following year. We developed a slogan UJELI SMO VETER SPREMEMB (We captured the wind of change) and an “artish” graphical concept based on creating new objects out of old ones. We communicated that change need not be a bad thing, especially for those who can turn change into something new, a new opportunity.